Virtual Seminars
Would you like to learn more about your period? Or safe sex? Or menopause? GynoTalks was created out of Dr. Varkey’s deep desire to educate women about their bodies.
Dr. Varkey is hosting a series of intimate virtual gatherings to do just that. These are meant to be fun events where women of any age can get together virtually and learn about any gynecologic topic of their choosing. All virtual seminars will include a 45 minute evidenced based presentation and a 15 minute Q&A session.
Dr. Varkey’s virtual seminars are available for both individuals and corporate settings.
Browse our topics below and hit the “I’M INTERESTED” button to be added to our list. You will be notified once an event has been scheduled. If you are unable to attend live, a link to the recording will be provided. We’re looking forward to seeing you!
Menopause & Perimenopause
Women are always asking what they should expect during menopause. I am so disappointed that we as a medical establishment have not done a better job educating you. Sure, there are books out there but wouldn't it be nice to get a one time, concise talk on the subject from an expert in the field?
Some of the topics that I will address during this seminar:
What exactly is menopause and does everyone get symptoms?
What is perimenopause and how is it different from menopause?
What options are there for treatment? Are they all hormonal?
What are the risks of taking hormones? Are there any risks if I don't?
Sign up now and take control of
your health!
Contraceptives 101
Did you know that there are over 13 different contraceptive options on the market right now? And the list is constantly growing! How is a reproductive age woman supposed to know what to ask for if she doesn't even understand how they work? This presentation will help to inform every woman about the basics of contraception and understand why a doctor might recommend one form over another for a particular patient. This presentation is ideal for any reproductive age woman but especially for teenagers and college age women - especially before they become sexually active. So mom's - sign your daughters up with their friends!
Some topics that I will address during this seminar:
When exactly can I get pregnant in relation to my period?
How does the IUD work and is it dangerous?
Are there any good non hormonal contraceptive options?
Can the pill affect my fertility if I have been on it too long?
Sign up now and learn how to protect yourself from an unintended pregnancy!
Safer Sex: What Most People Don't Know
Most of the women who walk into my office have learned very little about safer sex and how to avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Yes, condoms are important, but did you know that there are STIs you can get even when using a condom? Again, this is an ideal talk for older teenagers or college bound women. Men would also benefit from this seminar as they, too are susceptible to many of the same infections.
Some topics that I will address during this seminar:
Do you always have symptoms with an STI?
Are they all curable?
Is it true that some STIs can later make it hard for a man or woman to conceive a child?
How often should I get tested for STIs?
Sign up now and how to protect yourself BEFORE it's too late.
Pre-Conceptional Counseling: Optimizing Mother and Baby's Health
I always say to my patients: "the best pregnancy is a planned pregnancy". This is true even for the married woman who wants to get pregnant. There is much a woman can do to prepare for pregnancy and in that way, optimize her health and that of the baby's. Sign up for this seminar to learn more about the importance of prenatal vitamins, immunization and what type of genetic testing might be offered to you BEFORE you conceive. We also talk about the biology of conception to help you get pregnant faster!
Some of the topics I will address during this seminar:
Why do I need prenatal vitamins?
Is there anything I can do to reduce the chance that my baby might get a birth defect?
Why do genetic testing even before I am pregnant?
Does my partner's health matter?
Sign up now and learn how to insure you and your baby are in optimal health.